Just to create the best lamps.

Is there free Fuser Film Sleeve sample provided?
If the product page of Fuser Film Sleeve is marked with "Free Sample", then a free sample is available. In general, free samples are available for regular products of Guangzhou Kraise Co., Ltd.. However, if the customer has certain requirements, such as product size, material, color or logo, we will charge a fee. We sincerely hope that you understand that we want to charge the sample cost and will deduct it once the order is confirmed.
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Kraise Companyseized the favorable opportunity to achieve the rapid growth in the history of film sleeves for konica minolta industry. As one of Kraise Company's multiple product series, copier parts suppliers series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The product has the advantages of good quality and excellent performance. This product can easily match the original brand parts. Kraise Company turns customers' most worthy opportunities and most rigorous challenges into their real competitive advantages. It has the advantage of strong compatibility.
Kraise Array image344
We are driven by our "build together" value. We grow by working together and we embrace diversity and collaboration in order to build one company.

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